Thursday, 14 August 2014

Moana Pool

Moana Pool 

 Photo of Moana Pool as it sat in 1964 supplied by Allied Press.

Moana pool was first opened on the 14th of November 1964 with a cost of 450000 pounds. It included an Olympic sized main pool accompanied by a 44ft diving pool. Shortly after the pools were opened the learners pool was completed and a restaurant was added that seated 120 people. At the time of its build people did not like the idea of spending that much money as they saw it as not needed. This might have been true at the time but due to increased numbers of people going to the Tepid Pools, built in 1914, there was a need to upgrade or change locations in the councils eyes. 

 Photo of the current entrance to Moana pool looking out over the city. 

Although this was not included in the original design of the pools back in 1964. It is consistant with the general feeling around Moana Pool with its abundance of natural light and sweeping views of the city. 

View from what would have been behind the original east wall.

this is nice

 View of the original North facing wall.

The large windows on the north facing wall meant that Moana pool was filled with natural light, unlike the traditional closed, artificial light, disney-world like pools of the past.

 The old and the new.

During the 90s several contractors started up businesses within the facility including personal trainers. On the left we can see the current facility that houses the gym at moana pool that was built, complementing the angle of the existing building in such a way that it seems as if it was never added at a later date. 

Moana pool from its side. 

Here we have another picture of the gym and pool behind it,

 Old and unused, old and used.

It is acceptable to call the pools old? Here is a photo of the original stands that the swimmers used, still on site but not used anymore. In the background we see the the north facing wall that only alterations have been the addition of advertising. 

A new century brings a new design. 

In the beginning of the 21st cnetury DCC architect Robert Tongue was given the brief of designing the new additions to the pool with a major emphasis on retaining the centers abundance of natural light. This photo if of the new wave pool that was build in the place of the former outside small pool and recreation areal of the original pools were. 

/ fin \

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